由 nagachika 发布于 2013 年 5 月 14 日
Ruby 2.0.0-p195 发布。这是 2.0.0 的第一个补丁级别版本。
此版本包含对 Ruby DL / Fiddle 扩展的安全修复。
SIZE: 10807456 bytes MD5: 2f54faea6ee1ca500632ec3c0cb59cb6 SHA256: 0be32aef7a7ab6e3708cc1d65cd3e0a99fa801597194bbedd5799c11d652eb5b
SIZE: 13641558 bytes MD5: 0672e5af309ae99d1703d0e96eff8ea5 SHA256: a2fe8d44eac3c27d191ca2d0ee2d871f9aed873c74491b2a8df229bfdc4e5a93
SIZE: 15092199 bytes MD5: 924fe4bea72b1b258655211998631791 SHA256: 81a4dc6cc09e491d417a51e5983c4584eff849e2a186ec3affdbe5bc15cd7db5
主要修复如下。有关详细信息,请参阅 ChangeLog 或 工单。
核心 - prepend
#7841 Module#prepend now detect cyclic prepend.
#7843 removing prepended methods causes exceptions.
#8357 Module#prepend breaks Module's comparison operators.
#7983 Module#prepend can't override Fixnum's operator methods.
#8005 methods made private/protected after definition become uncallable on prepended class.
#8025 Module#included_modules include classes when prepended.
核心 - 关键字参数
#7922 unnamed keyword rest argument cause SyntaxError.
#7942 support define method only receive keyword arguments without paren.
#8008 fix a bug in super with keyword arguments.
#8236 fix a treatment of rest arguments and keyword arguments through `super'.
#8260 non-symbol key should not treated as keyword arguments.
核心 - refinements
#7925 fix a bug of refinements with a method call super in a block.
核心 - GC
#8092 improve accuracy of GC.stat[:heap_live_num]
#8146 avoid unnecessary heap growth.
#8145 fix unlimited memory growth with large values of RUBY_FREE_MIN.
核心 - Regexp
#7972 Regexp POSIX space class is location sensitive.
#7974 Regexp case-insensitive group doesn't work.
#8023 Regexp lookbehind assertion fails with /m mode enabled
#8001 Regexp \Z matches where it shouldn't
核心 - 其他
#8063 fix a potential memory violation and avoid abort on the environment _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 (ex. Ubuntu).
#8175 ARGF#skip doesn't work as documented.
#8069 File.expand_path('something', '~') now support home path on Windows.
#8220 fix a Segmentation fault when defined? ().
#8367 fix a regression in defined?(super).
#8283 Dir.glob doesn't recurse hidden directories.
#8165 fix a bug of multiple require with non-ascii file path.
#8290 fix an incompatible String#inspect behavior with NUL character.
#8360 fix a Segmentation fault of Thread#join(Float::INFINITY) on some platforms.
Bundled RubyGems version is updated to 2.0.2+
#7698 fix an rubygems' incompatibility about installation of extension libraries.
#8019 fix a bug of gem list --remote doesn't work.
#7911 File.fnmatch with US-ASCII pattern and UTF-8 path raise an exception.
#8240 fix a bug about OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket breaks other connections or files on GC.
#8183 CGI.unescapeHTML can't decode Numeric Character References with uppercase (&#Xnnnn).
#7830 fix build failure with compiler warning.
#7950 fix a build failure on mswin/VC with --with-static-linked-ext.